The striking contrast in the grandchildren of Abraham may not have been due to a difference in their temperaments, but to mistakes that were made in their upbrining. Continue reading
Category Archives: Parenting
Education is Life
Education is not simply a room lined with desks. Education takes place every instant of every day. Education is the experiences of life. Our entire value system stems from our experiences. The influences of a classroom or a book are minor compared to the plethora of impressions that bombard us constantly. Continue reading
Fundamentals of Education
When a man has a wayward, rebellious son, who does not obey his father and mother, they shall have him flogged. If he still does not listen to them… [the parents] must declare to the elders of his city, ‘Our son is wayward and rebellious. He does not listen to us, and is an (exceptional) glutton and drunkard.’ (Deut. 21:18) Continue reading
The Differences between Jewish Education (Chinuch) and Education that is Jewish
This article serves as an inspiration for the creation of Many Jewish parents, those who homeschool and those who school need guidance on their obligations as Jewish parents in order to help them succeed in their Chinuch HaBanim u’Banos (Education of their sons and daughters). Continue reading