A close reading of the subtle change between the words used for the difference between light and darkness vs the difference between water and water, similar to the difference between cohesion and adhesion,may provide some insight into how to understand Tohu vaVohu, according to the rules of physics.
Category Archives: Weekly Parasha
The Origins of Modesty, Clothing and Sewing
The Origins of Modesty, Clothing and Sewing
by Miss Moriya Chesler
Where does modesty originate and why is it associated with clothing? Who invented sewing? As people of faith, we don’t have to look very far to discover the answer to this question. If we open to chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Bereishis (Genesis), we will find our answer there.
Abarbanel’s Commentary on Chumash
A new English-translation of Abarbanel’s commentary on Chumash is available now. Continue reading
Shabbos Melachos Flash Cards
Flash cards and Shabbos, what do they have in common? Learn about the 39 categories of creative work prohibited on Shabbos with these enticing flash cards.