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Responsible Chinuch

Jewish (8)To understand more about the history of Jewish education throughout the centuries, one must understand why Jewish schools were developed and for whom.  Why the difference standards among Jewish schools and who are we filtering out in the process?  Is there such a thing as a vocational school in Jewish education?  This article is a must read.



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Eretz Yisrael Borders

the_borders_of_israel11_20100128_2050797175Do we know what Eretz Yisrael is supposed to be, as defined by Hashem in our Torah? If you look at the book of Numbers, at verses 34:2-12, you will find the exact borders (south, north, east and west) defining our Holy Land. Here are a few resources to help you chart out the actual ancient borders of our holy land that are still respected by our Gedolim today.




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